Dynamic Balancing Drop-In Beads Calculations Guide

Dynamic Balancing Drop-In Beads Calculations Guide

Tire Supply Network is here to answer one of the most frequently asked questions regarding dynamic balancing. "How much balancing beads does my tire need?" The short answer is this. How many ounces of product you put in your tire is entirely dependent on the size of the tire. Please use the links below to look up your tire size and the corresponding amount of balancing beads your tire requires!

Click on the link to your preferred brand of Drop-In Balance Bags to see the recommended amount you'll need.

Equal Flexx - Calculations Guide

Counteract - Calculations Guide

Esco - Calculations Guide

Magnum+ - Calculations Guide

A Tire Supply Network insider tip: If you're unsure, it's generally okay to put a little extra balancing bead material in the tire. The excess will just "roll around" and should not affect the balance of the tire. Whereas putting too little product in the tire defeats the purpose of the dynamic balance. 
Here's a link to all the dynamic balancing options Tire Supply Network offers!
